1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This tutorial will showcase a set of R’s most prominent and widely-applicable set of packages, the tidyverse, and how it can be applied for hydrology workflows.

1.2 Aproach

Using (peak flow) data from the UK National River Flow Archive (NRFA), we will:

  • clean, tidy and explore
  • develop a scalable workflow for defining and applying statistical models (answering questions, cf. below)
  • set-up (visual) model assessment framework to communicate results


  • Q1: What impact does catchment area have on peak flows, and does it differ between countries?
  • Q2: Which catchment properties affect peak flows and which set of characteristics make up the most representative models?

2 Why use the tidyverse?

2.2 Tidy philosphy

The tidyverse philosophy postulates:

  • Reuse existing data structures.
  • Compose simple functions with the pipe.
  • Embrace functional programming.
  • Design for humans.

2.3 Concept: Piping

\[ data~\rightarrow~f(data,~paramaters)~\rightarrow~output\]

data \(\rightarrow\) f(data, parameters) \(\rightarrow\) outputs

library(dplyr) # based on package magrittr, but loaded as dependency

1:10 %>% mean()
[1] 5.5

More tangible example with iris data set:



iris %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  summarise_all(mean) %>%

2.4 Concept: Mapping

LIST = (data1, data2, data3)
LIST \(\rightarrow\) map(LIST, f, parameters) \(\rightarrow\) f(LIST[i], parameters) \(\rightarrow\) outputs

The purrr::map family of functions (and others) allow for straight-forward functional programming and offer convenient functionalities. Try map_int, map_dfr, modify_depth and possibly


example_list <- list(first = data.frame(val = 1:5),
                     second = data.frame(val = 6:10), 
                     third = data.frame(val = 11:15))

example_result <- example_list %>% 
  map_dfr(~mutate(.x, val2 = val*2),
          .id = "identify_me")


Useful (and powerful) approach for error-handling when using lists with unexpected data values with possibly:

example_list <- list(first = data.frame(val = 1:5),
                     second = "not_a_number",
                     third = data.frame(val = 11:15))

# lapply(example_list, sum)

# this fails with:
# Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument

Instead, we make a “possibly function” to catch the error.

possible_sum <- possibly(sum, otherwise = "I am a failure, forgive me.")
lapply(example_list, possible_sum) # also works with map!
[1] 15

[1] "I am a failure, forgive me."

[1] 65

2.5 Concept: Nesting

Data frames can store just about anything. Interestingly, one cell in a data frame can be made up of an entire list.

This makes for highly useful data management and analyses approaches:



# regular data frame
# nested data frame
nested_iris <- iris %>%
# add a model
nested_iris <- 
  nested_iris %>% 
  mutate(model_1 = map(data, ~lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = .x)))

Think: hierarchichal data structures, meta data, multiple models, etc.
The nesting can be reversed by via unnest(nested_iris) to give a neat data.frame.

3 Getting the data

The next sections will:

  • load necessary packages
  • download and read-in data using the dedicated UK NRFA package rnfra, and an archive of catchment descriptors, available here.
  • tidy data and prepare for modelling

3.1 Set-up

Load necessary packages and custom plotting theme:

# tidyverse packages - or just run: library(tidyverse)
library(fs) # file management 
library(dplyr) # data manipulation
library(purrr) # functional programming
library(magrittr) # data manipulation / tidy code
library(ggplot2) # data viz
library(broom) # tidy stats results 
library(forcats) # tidy factors
library(lubridate) # tidy dates
library(tibble) # data frames with extra functionalities
library(tidyr) # nesting and unnesting

# Environmental and spatial data/analyses
library(rnrfa) # flow archive
library(rgdal) # spatial data sets

# custom theme

3.2 Peak Flows and Meta Data

Note: Data from the UK National River Flow Archive.
Please refer to http://nrfa.ceh.ac.uk/costs-terms-and-conditions prior to any re-use

# Catchment and Peak Flow Data ----------------------------

# Collect all station information using the rnrfa API

all_stations <- catalogue() # rnfra::stationSummary available for meta data

# remove some columns
all_stations <- all_stations %>% 

# columns where class change is necessary
char2num <- c("catchmentArea", "altitude", "maximum-gauging-flow", "lat", "lon")

all_stations[ ,char2num] %<>% map_dfc(as.numeric)

# Next lines for adding country label based on lat/lon location

# file info of shape files
shp_files <- fs::dir_info(path = "../dat/GBR_adm",
                          glob = "*.shp") #from http://www.diva-gis.org/datadown

# read in UK admin. shape files
gb_shp <- shp_files$path %>% 
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
Source: "C:\Users\ahurl\ODrive\OneDrive\website\alhurley\static\files\ext_rmd\egu_rhydro_sc\dat\GBR_adm\GBR_adm0.shp", layer: "GBR_adm0"
with 1 features
It has 70 fields
Integer64 fields read as strings:  ID_0 OBJECTID_1 
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
Source: "C:\Users\ahurl\ODrive\OneDrive\website\alhurley\static\files\ext_rmd\egu_rhydro_sc\dat\GBR_adm\GBR_adm1.shp", layer: "GBR_adm1"
with 4 features
It has 9 fields
Integer64 fields read as strings:  ID_0 ID_1 
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
Source: "C:\Users\ahurl\ODrive\OneDrive\website\alhurley\static\files\ext_rmd\egu_rhydro_sc\dat\GBR_adm\GBR_adm2.shp", layer: "GBR_adm2"
with 192 features
It has 11 fields
Integer64 fields read as strings:  ID_0 ID_1 ID_2 
# select country level admin. demarkation and plot
gb_countries <- gb_shp[[2]]

# adjust projection
coordinates(all_stations) <- ~ lon + lat
proj4string(all_stations) <- proj4string(gb_countries)

# add labels
all_stations<- all_stations@data %>% 
  mutate(country =  over(all_stations, gb_countries[ ,"NAME_1"])[[1]])

# make table
all_stations %>% 
# exploratory plot 
exp_catchment_area.plot <- all_stations %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = catchmentArea,
             y = `maximum-gauging-flow`,
             col = country,
             text = paste("Name:",name))) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5, show.legend = F) +
  theme_presi() +
  ggtitle("Relationship between peak flow and catchment area") +
  labs(y = "Peak flow (cumecs)", x = "Catchment area (sq km)") +


# Better at log scale?

log_exp_catchment_area.plot <- exp_catchment_area.plot + 
  scale_x_log10() +


3.3 FEH Catchment Descriptors

The FEH catchment descriptor data is stored in individual *.cd3 files per catchment (id as file name and unique identifier in file). They contain some preceding and trailing meta data in a non-rectangular format. We extract and skip lines as needed in a custom function to achieve a programmatic read-in.

Note: Data from the UK National River Flow Archive.
Please refer to http://nrfa.ceh.ac.uk/costs-terms-and-conditions prior to any re-use

# uses custom function read_cd3, source code available in raw document.

cd3_data <- fs::dir_info("../dat/CEH_FEH/",
                         glob = "*.CD3",
                         recursive = T)$path %>%

cd3_data %>% head(20) %>% as.data.frame()
cd3_data <- cd3_data %>% 
  # choose only non-text values to apply "is.numeric"
  mutate_if(.predicate = function(x){
    any(!stringr::str_detect(x, ".*[a-zA-Z]")==T & !is.na(x))},
    .funs = as.numeric) %>%
  # select only numeric values
  select_if(.predicate = is.numeric) %>% 
  # replace -9999 with NA
  mutate_all(funs(replace(., .< -9000, NA))) 

cd3_data %>% as.data.frame()

3.4 Finalized data set

The final data set will contain

# some wrangling
all_stations <- all_stations %>% 
  select(id, country, catchmentArea,  peak_flow_cumecs = `maximum-gauging-flow`)

# join by id
all_stations <- all_stations %>% 
  left_join(cd3_data %>% 
              mutate(id = as.character(id)),
            by = 'id')

all_stations %>% head(20) %>% as.data.frame()
# select variables for modelling (i.e. after checking for multi-colinearity)
all_stations <- all_stations %>% 
  select(id, country, catchmentArea, peak_flow_cumecs,

all_stations <- all_stations[complete.cases(all_stations), ]

# number of observations per country
all_stations %>% dplyr::count(country) %>% as.data.frame()

4 Statistical Modelling Workflow

This sections outlines the definition and application of statistical models to answer our questions (recall: difference between countries; what controls peak flow).

In a first step we will apply a simple linear model, and then build upon tidyverse’s data-handling capabilities to expand our analyses. The chosen modelling framework is mainly for illustrative purposes and can easily be exchanged with GLM, LME, NLS, GAM, etc.

4.1 Q1: Does size matter?


Q: What impact does catchment area have on peak flows, and does it differ between countries?

4.1.1 Analyses:


# transform peak flow and catchment area with log10 in new object
p_data <- all_stations %>%
  mutate(peak_flow_cumecs_log = log10(peak_flow_cumecs),
         ca_log = log10(catchmentArea)) %>%

# apply lm
catchment_area_country.mod <- lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ ca_log + country, data = p_data)
catchment_area.mod <- lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ ca_log, data = p_data)

anova(catchment_area.mod, catchment_area_country.mod)
# check summary
catchment_area_country.mod %>% summary()

lm(formula = peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ ca_log + country, data = p_data)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.81575 -0.26169  0.05185  0.30572  1.14172 

                        Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)             -0.71958    0.06467 -11.127  < 2e-16 ***
ca_log                   0.98275    0.02913  33.740  < 2e-16 ***
countryNorthern Ireland  0.26582    0.07538   3.526 0.000443 ***
countryScotland          0.35868    0.04385   8.180 9.73e-16 ***
countryWales             0.46348    0.05304   8.739  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.4723 on 894 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6075,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.6058 
F-statistic:   346 on 4 and 894 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
# tidy look
catchment_area_country.mod %>% broom::tidy()
# add residuals to new object
countries.resid <- p_data %>%
  add_residuals(catchment_area_country.mod, var = "resid_ca_c")

# Quick peak at the residuals (don't forget QQ and Leverage Plots..)
countries.resid %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = ca_log, y = resid_ca_c, col = country)) +
  geom_ref_line(h = 0, colour = "gray60", size = 1) +
  geom_point(size = 2, alpha = .6) +
  theme_presi() +
  facet_wrap(~country) +
  labs(x = "log catchment area (sq km)", y = "log peak flow (cumecs)")

4.1.2 Results (Part I)

We compared two models, and found that including country enhances our ability to represent the relationship between peak flows and catchment area:

  • Peak flow increases approximately by an order of magnitude (\(\beta_1\) = r coef(catchment_area_country.mod)[2] %>% round(2)) as we increase our catchment area by an order of magnitude (recall our \(log_{10}\) transformation)
  • This relationship holds for all countries, but peak flows at a given catchment area tend to be largest for Wales ( > Scotland > Northern Irealand > England)

4.2 Q2: Catchment characteristics


  • Which catchment properties affect peak flows and which set of characteristics make up the most representative models?

Understanding peak flows is crucial from a management perspective (e.g. risk, resources). Additonal insight may be gleaned by applying “region” specific models individually. To this end, we apply a series of models to a nested data frame (by country).

Chosen catchment characteristics:

  • DPSBAR: Overall catchment steepness (mean Drainage Path Slope)
  • FARL: Flood Attenuation by Reservoirs and Lakes (< 0.8 strong attenuation)
  • FPEXT: Floodplain extent
  • PROPWET: proportion of time catchment soils are wet
  • SPRHOST: Standard percentage runoff (%), weighted by soil class across catchment

4.2.1 Analyses

The next steps outline the definition and application of a series of models on the joined peak flow data set.

1. Nest data frame:

# add transformed data for modelling
p_data <- all_stations %>%
  mutate(peak_flow_cumecs_log = log10(peak_flow_cumecs),
         ca_log = log10(catchmentArea)) %>%

# nest joined peak flow data set
uk_nested <- p_data %>% 

uk_nested %>% as.data.frame

2. Define models:

models <- list(
  mod00_null_intercept = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ 1, data = x)},
  mod01_ca = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ ca_log, data = x)},
  mod02_ca_farl = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ 
                                   ca_log + FARL, data = x)},
  mod03_ca_sprhost = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ 
                                      ca_log + SPRHOST, data = x)},
  mod04_ca_fpext = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ 
                                    ca_log + FPEXT, data = x)},
  mod04_ca_propwet = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ 
                                      ca_log + PROPWET, data = x)},
  mod05_ca_farl_fpext = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ 
                                         ca_log + FARL + FPEXT, data = x)},
  mod06_ca_farl_propwet = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ 
                                           ca_log + FARL + PROPWET, data = x)},
  mod07_ca_farl_propwet_fpext = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ 
                                                 ca_log + FARL + PROPWET + FPEXT, data = x)},
  mod08_ca_farl_fpext_sprhost_propwet = function(x){lm(peak_flow_cumecs_log ~ 
                                                         ca_log + FARL + FPEXT + SPRHOST + PROPWET, data = x)}

3. Custom function to apply models on nested data frame:

apply_model <- function(.model, nested_df){
  # takes data column from nested df and "loops"/maps over it
  # to apply models then
  # adds a model column to the nested data frame
  nested_df$model <- map(nested_df$data, possibly(.model, otherwise = NULL))
  # returns nested data frame

4. Apply models using custom function:

uk_nest <- models %>% 
  # use custom function and add id column
  map_df(apply_model, uk_nested, .id = "id_model") %>% 
  # carry over pertinent columns
  select(id_model, country, model) %>% 
  # add model coefficients and performance metrics to data frame.
  mutate(coefficients = map(model, tidy),
         performance = map(model, glance)) %>% 

uk_nest %>% head(20)

5. Model assessment - coefficients:

# unnest data frame, dropping other nested column
uk_coefficients <- uk_nest %>%
  unnest(coefficients, .drop = T)

# add columns with factors for plotting/classification
# re-order factors for plotting with fct_relevel
uk_coefficients <- uk_coefficients %>% 
  mutate(estimate_factor = ifelse(p.value < 0.05,
                                  ifelse(estimate > 0,
                                  "not sign.") %>% 
           fct_relevel("positive", "negative"),
         id_model = fct_relevel(as.factor(id_model), "mod00_null_intercept"),
         id_model_num = id_model %>% as.numeric()) 

uk_coefficients %>% as.data.frame() %>% head(20)
coef.plot <- uk_coefficients %>% 
  # select subset of models for plotting/discussion
  filter(id_model_num %in% c(2,5,6,7,8)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = estimate,
             x = term, fill = estimate_factor)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge",col = "gray20") +
  coord_flip() +
  facet_grid(id_model_num~country, scales = "free_y") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2, col = "darkgrey") +
  theme_presi() +
  theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "top",
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0)) +
  scale_fill_manual(name = "Estimate", values = c("negative" = "darkred",
                                                  "positive" = "steelblue",
                                                  "not sign." = "grey95")) 


4.2.2 Results (Part I)

  • Differences in effect size between countries (e.g. floodplain extent, proportion wet).
  • Floodplain extent and proportion of wet catchment area largest effects.
  • Note: A full analyses would require a look at residuals, QQ-plots, and leverages.

6. Model assessment - relative and absolute fit:

uk_performance <- uk_nest %>%
  tidyr::unnest(performance, .drop = T)

uk_performance <- uk_performance %>% 
  filter(id_model != "mod00_null_intercept") %>% 
  group_by(country) %>% 
  arrange(AIC, .by_group = T) %>% 
  rename(AIC_val = AIC) %>% 
  mutate(dAIC = AIC_val - min(AIC_val),
         minAIC = ifelse(dAIC < 10 ,"keep", "less support"))

uk_performance %>% as.data.frame() %>% head(20)
# custom function based on gglplot2, code available in raw *.rmd document

4.2.3 Results (Part II)

  • Lowest \(\Delta AIC\) associated with high(est) \(R^2\) (likely from over-fitting at small sample sizes, remaining co-linearity, etc.)
  • Potentially resolved by using criterion that penalizes more for larger number of included covariates (e.g. \(AIC_c\), \(BIC\), etc.)
  • Continue anylseswith models selected based on agreement with assumptions (QQ-plots, etc.), predictive power (\(R^2\)), likelihood as well as information content (\(\Delta AIC\) or others) and use averages of best model set.

5 Conclusion

  • Identified peak flow differences between countries and catchment characteristics that may drive peak flow magnitude

Developed analyses work flow that:

  • can be applied for different settings/fields
  • is scalable and adaptable
  • aids in communicating results

  • Using the tidyverse is not a bad idea at all!